My new advice (as of summer, 2009)
I use the entire Paula's choice line. I love it. (And trust me, I've tried it all.)
My daily Routine:
1. Skin recovery system (I choose the line for dry skin, but they have all types.)
2. Cleanser (am/pm)
3. toner (am/pm)
4. exfolient (AHA product - pm only) (I switch this every other day with RX retinol.)
5. antioxidant (am/pm)
6. moisturize (pm)
7. sunscreen (Neutrogena Age Defense SPF 90 - am only)
Older advice
At age 45, I think you can look 25 or 65 depending on your skincare routine.
First of all, there is a great website that is an up to date online version of "Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter without me." It's a fabulous book about what really works. Listen, if you have a drawer full of half used products or are in your 40's have still haven't found the right product, and are just drawn in by so many claims and confused, get this book.
The site is now free. If you are also thinking about an expensive project, she will tell you what product can do the same for less. She knows the % of active ingredients in each product.
Here is the advice I've gathered.
1) Sunscreen. Use an SPF of at least 30 every day. SPF 70 if you are going in the sun/to the beach. I use Eucrin for senstive skin. This is the absolute best advice. If you do NOTHING else, wear sunscreen. Anything other than this is just covering sun damage. (Never, and I mean never, use a tanning booth. Honestly, when older, it becomes sort of unattractive "type" of a person who goes.)
2) The basics: Drink water, exercise, and sleep 7-8 hours a night. Don't stress.
3) Exfoliate weekly. If you don't do this, it's just like watering grass with leaves on them. No penetration into your skin. Avoid the ones from the 80's you used with ground walnuts in them. Hello - you are a grown up now. Respect your skin. It's doesn't have to "hurt" to exfoliate. Use Neutrogena fresh foaming scrub. (Again, I use Paula's choice.)
4) Use a retinol every night. It's ok to use Olay of Olay or Neutrogena rather than an expensive brand. The dermatologist said that they contain the highest levels without moving to a prescription (which isn't such a bad idea.) And since they are priced well, you'll more likely stick to it. I use Neutrogena anti wrinkle intensive night cream - get the kind with retinol. Use the matching eye serum.
5) Use an AHA (alpha hydroy acid) product in the morning or product with peptide. I use Neutrogena anti wrinkle serum. A peptide product is less harsh, so if you are really flaking, step back. Again, follow that by sunscreen.
6) Facials should be done monthly to improve skin. If done less than once a month, they are just for relaxation, not long term skin care improvement. (I don't spend money on this. My point is that if you aren't going every month, just get a massage instead.)
7) Wear sunglasses. For those who know me, you know I can't hear as well when I wear sunglasses. (I know, strange.) But I wish I wore them all the time to avoid crows feet/squint lines.
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